Donald Lateiner

Department, Emeritus

216 Sturges Hall

Ohio Wesleyan

Delaware OH 43015


Professor Lateiner joined Ohio Wesleyan's faculty in 1979 and is the John R. Wright Professor of Humanities-Classics. He earned his B.A. from the University of Chicago, his M.A. from Cornell, and his Ph.D. in Classics from Stanford. Professor Lateiner taught for seven years at the University of Pennsylvania before accepting appointment to Ohio Wesleyan University. He has also taught on temporary appointment at Syracuse University in Florence and Carleton College. He retired from teaching at Ohio Wesleyan after 34 years in 2013. He was awarded the first Ohio Wesleyan University Welch award for Professional Scholarly Achievement.

Dr. Lateiner's primary subjects of research are:
Nonverbal Behaviors Ancient Novels
Greek Historiography Greek and Roman Epic Poetry

Besides Greek and Latin language and literature, he also teaches courses on:
Archaeology Love and sexuality
Ancient novels Greek literature and thought
Epic and anti-epic
Comparative Folklore (Mediterranean, Near Eastern, African-American and Native American)

Dr. Lateiner has written two books:
The Historical Method of Herodotus (1988)
Sardonic Smile: Nonverbal Behavior in Homeric Epic (1995)

He has edited, co-edited, and introduced seven titles:
The Barnes & Noble edition of The Histories of Herodotus
The Barnes & Noble edition of Thucydides' Peloponnesian War
Lionel Pearson: Selected Papers (1983, co-editor Susan Stephens)
Thucydides and Herodotus (2012, co-editor Edith Foster)
Domina Illustris: Roman Literature, Gender, and Reception. Essays in Honor of Judith Hallett (2013, co-editors Barbara Gold and Judith Perkins)
The Autobiography of A.E. Raubitschek, Histos Supplement Vol. 1
The Ancient Emotion of Disgust (2016, co-editor Dimos Spatharas)

A Festschrift in his honor has been published:
Kinesis: The Ancient Depiction of Gesture, Motion, and Emotion (2015, edited by Christina Clark, Edith Foster, and Judith Hallett)
Herakles wrestles river god Akheloos

Herakles wrestles river god