Web GIS and Online Spatial Information Sites
Web Revew from Keng Pin Chang's The Design of A Web-based Geographic Information System for Community Participation
Keng-Pin Chang (wkvisiom@ms7.hinet.net)
Note: Not Updated since 12/97
This page was developed as part of J.B. Krygier's research on Public Participation Visualization.
Web GIS Articles | Top Picks | More Web GIS Examples | Other Examples & Related Servers |
| Mapping and Data | Traffic Reports | Web GIS Lists | HTML and CGI | Mailing Lists |
| Web GIS Sites: ARC/INFO | Arcview | MapObject | MapInfo | GRASS | Java | Xerox | Commercial Tools | Other |
Public Participation GIS |
- [Index][Summaries and Criticisms]
- Web Sites Using ESRI Software These sites show the ESRI's new MapObjects Internet Map Server, ArcView Internet MapServer, Spatial Database Engine (SDE), and other technologies are already used by many organizations to create spatially enabled Web sites for a variety of needs.
- Canadian National Atlas Information Service NAISMap NAISMap allows you to view and manipulate National Atlas spatial data layers and construct your own map of Canada. NAISMap uses a body of code called N-map. N-map is a medium-size piece of C code. A prototype was originally designed in the spring of 1994, and acted as a catalyst for the NAIS-on-the-Net project, which resulted in the NAIS home page. N-map uses a vector database of coordinates which it renders into a GIF raster image.
- Clinch River Environmental Restoration Program (CRERP) The Clinch River Environmental Restoration Program (CRERP) is designed to address The transport, fate, and distribution of waterborne contaminants from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) and to assess potential risks to human health and the environment associated with these contaminants. This server allows the web-surfer to see a 3D view of the river from any point along its course. If you have a fast connection and your browser is configured to view MPEG video, you can also view movies of a fly-over of the "Virtual Clinch" and its valley.
- GRASSLinks 2.0: A PUBLIC ACCESS GIS Provides the following choices for interactive maps
- Display: Interactively create an image using available maps, colors and regions.
- Oblique Aerial Photography: View oblique photos of various locations in the Bay and Delta area.
- Area tabulation: Calculate area totals of categories in a map, or overlay two maps and find the extent of intersection.
- Metadata: View descriptive text about the maps including source, scale, date, etc.
- Reclass: Create a new map by aggregating the information of an existing map.
- Combine: Create a new map that highlights the coincidence (overlap) of information in two existing maps.
- Buffer: Create a new map by adding concentric rings (buffers) around information in an existing map.
- Ftp: Compile the composite GRASS files of a map and ftp it.
- TIGER Map Service Interactive map of Washington, DC demonstrating TIGER data coverage. This is one of the best and demonstrates a practical application of delivering census data over the web.
- Xerox PARC Map Server The Award-winning The Xerox PARC Map Viewer was created in June 1993 by Steve Putz at Xerox Corporation's Palo Alto Research Center, as an experiment in providing interactive information retrieval via the World Wide Web. A paper describing the Map Viewer was presented in May 1994 at the First International World-Wide Web Conference. See: Interactive Information Services Using World-Wide Web Hypertext (http://www.parc.xerox.com/istl/projects/www94/iisuwwwh.html) to see how you can use this server to include maps in your own documents.
- WWW Thematic Mapping System Geographic data visualization tool for 1994 Census Bureau USA Counties data.
- VISA ATM Locator Enter street address or intersection and city, state and optional zip code to map the three ATMs closest to your location.
- TIGER Map Service [ Technical Details ] [ M.S.U. Example ]
- MapQuest Interactive street guide with maps for anywhere in the continental US.
- Earth Viewer View the Earth after selecting from several options. Also, provides a map of the Earth showing the current day and night regions.
- Canadian Map Maker
- ICE MAPS: Interactive California Environmental Management, Assessment, and Planning System Interactively query California natural resources information, by first defining a geographic region of interest, then selecting the data layers to be included in the final output map. Output map and legend in GIF and PostScript formats. Additional output includes hyper-links to sources of information related to the user's query. Processing time 0.5 minute to several minutes.
- Virginia On-Line Atlas Map Creation Form
- ERIN (Australia Spatial Mapping Interface)
- ERIN Technical Documentation
- USGS California Current Conditions Real-time data on streamflow, seismicity, snowpack, temperature.
- Clinch River Virtual Views Click on point on river to see 3-D view.
- NSSDC OMNIWeb WWW-based data retrieval and analysis interface to NASA near-earth heliosphere data.
- U.S. Census Bureau Data Maps Clickable image map interface to Tiger maps and to data tables.
- Mapper Uses clickable image map as interface to relational database for on-the-fly map generation. (Use NETSCAPE.)
- Great Lakes Map Server Allows the user to interactively compose a map with selected EPA site datasets and feature coverages for any U.S. region within the Great Lakes. A prototype.
- WWW Forms-Based Data Access Examples Policy instruments data base, social indicators of development, and trends in developing countries.
- MapQuest! Interactive atlas providing access to maps anywhere in the world.
- Yahoo! Maps Creates map with selected address or street intersection identified.
- ETAK "The Digital Map Company."
- FME A live demonstration producing a GIF image from an Intergraph/Microstation design file, based on the themes that you choose to have rendered. You can also request the data be sent down to you in Shape Files, SAIF , and soon MIF, all based on the themes you select from the input form. To be expanding the GIF generation to also allow automatic creation of a clickable-image map from GIS data, so that you could point and click to bring up an HTML page of data related to a point or feature of interest.
- Genasys Spatial WebBroker Tools for interactive GIS display and analysis using the Internet. Examples.
- CARIS Internet Server Examples demonstrating a simple web map querying and browsing tool built on Universal Systems Ltd. CARIS++ GIS Libraries.
- National Virtual Realty, Inc. Want to shop for a home on the Internet? The NVRI page is a first-class demonstration of the multiple real estate listings of the future. The top level view is of a map of the San Francisco metro area showing locations of various properties for sale. You can click on the map border to pan across the area or click in the map to zoom in. Panning is active at all scales. When you get close enough to see individual properties, you can get a photo, asking price, listing agency, and other details.
- Australian Information from ERIN This is a simple map interface that allows you to retrieve a list of environmental information based on the region you define.
- Delivering 5D images via the Web (Vis5D protocol) (images: wind vorticity during the winter storm of March 1993) Now you can embed links to Vis5D files in your Web pages (just like you can embed links to GIF files) and you can get Mosaic to automatically invoke Vis5D to view them (just as it automatically invokes xv to view GIF files). Vis5D files are five-dimensional arrays in much the same way that GIF images are two-dimensional arrays. The dimensions of Vis5D files are: row, column, level, time and an index into a set of physical fields (e.g., temperature, pressure, humidity, salinity, wind or current velocity, sulfur dioxide concentration, and so on). Row, column and level may be latitude, longitude and altitude, but don't have to be (the dimensions may be abstract, or may be in a non-Cartesian map projection).The Vis5D system provides highly interactive 3-D visualization of the data in Vis5D files. It is generally used to look at the output of models of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans, but can be applied to any 3-D data sampled on a regular grid.
- DeLorme Mapping ImageMap demos of mapping products (canned demo, not interactive)
- Faunmap Project FAUNMAP is an electronic database documenting the late Quaternary distribution of mammal species in the United States. It has been developed at the Illinois State Museum (ISM) with support from the National Science Foundation (BSR-9005144). This project is co-directed by Drs. Russell W. Graham of ISM and Ernest L. Lundelius, Jr. from the University of Texas at Austin. The primary purpose of this database is to investigate the evolution of mammalian communities. Specifically, with statistical techniques and mapping capabilities of a Geographic Information System (GIS), changes in the distributions of individual species and their effects upon mammal community composition can be documented for the late Quaternary. Understanding these processes will also facilitate paleoenvironmental reconstructions. For the past four years, data have been captured from paleontological and archaeological sites that contain mammalian remains. There are currently encoded data from 2919 sites. FAUNMAP focuses on sites in the contiguous 48 states during the last 40,000 years, i.e., 40 ka, or essentially the limits of radiocarbon dating.
- Geographic Information Delivery Services These are services, some experimental and some production-quality, that people and organizations have developed to efficiently deliver geographic information and data.
- Great Lakes REIS Spatial Data Viewrs This is a well-designed web page under the Great Lakes Regional Environmental Information System server at http://epawww.ciesin.org .
- JD Software's "Lightning" Interesting example of data delivery online through their Lightning shareware package. Main focus is environmental data such as the Daily COOP (TD3200) NCDC data set, a large world data set (global summary 1977-1991), snotel and US river flow data. The Lightning software can be downloaded via FTP from: ftp://mars.jdsoft.com/Lightning .
- Map-It: A Forms-based Map Generator This form takes some longitude/latitude pairs as input and makes a Mercator projection map showing land/sea and political boundaries. The map bounds will be about 10% larger than the bounds of the entered data points. The default set-up on this server is to draw a map of San Francisco Bay. The map is made with the freely available GMT package, the version 3 beta required here is not generally available yet.
- Metadata and WWW Mapping Home Page This is a long list resources and pointers to information about metadata and mapping on the web.
- University of Minnesota Supercomputer Institute for Scientific Visualization and Graphics This hypertext document is a compilation of scientific visualization (sci-vis) information from contributors from various organizations and individuals.
- Edinburgh University Interactive ARC/INFO
- Virginia County Interactive Mapper (TIGER)
- West Virginia On-line Interactive GIS
- Interactive Distributed Geographical Information Systems (IDGIS)
- WWW-Kurzdarstellung des Vortrags ARC/INFO via WWW
- Ecotourism Interactive GIS
- GIS-based Air Pollution Modeling on the WWW
- Murray Basin Hydrogeology (AGSO)
- Ecotourism Interactive GIS
- ARC/INFO Atlas Application
- BWCAW Map Server Follow this link to an overview of this CGI-based mapserver that serves real-time generated graphics as well as feature-based reports from ARC shapefiles (and .dbf files). "Browse" mode to select what and where. "Query" mode to obtain additional information about features. Direct to WWW interface:The BWCAW Mapserver orMetro Photos: Ramsey County.
- WWW & Arc/Info Map Preparation System
- FAUNMAP Query an electronic database documenting the late Quaternary distribution of mammal species in the United States to generate a map, passing input data to an Arc/Info AML script.
- Midwest U.S. Glacier Retreat Animation From Arc/Info data, not interactive.
- EPA Region 10 SITEINFO Look under the "GIS, Maps, Applications and Programs" link to find the SITEINFO map and data server. This allows you to make 2 and 5-mile radius maps of anywhere in EPA Region 10 (Northwest USA). You can create a map and get a report of all environmentally-important features, and have the results automatically e-mailed to you. This system uses a CGI form and Arc/Info to produce the maps.
- West Virginia Division of Environmental Protection West Virginia Division of Environmental Protection offers Arc/Info export (.e00) files; a WWW interface integrating HTML, Arc/Info GIS, and relational database technologies; animated flights over digital landscapes; online display system for toxic release information; an interactive demo system utilizing a WWW interface that integrates HTML, Arc/Info GIS, and relational database technologies for Surface Mining Permits, Coal NPDES permits, and Oil & Gas permits; and an online 3D hillshade image generator.
- Virginia County Interactive Mapper Provides interactive TIGER maps of Virgina counties. User selects county, features to display, and labeling options from a CGI form. In about 90 seconds (or less), the map appears. They also contain a nice-looking legend, and an index map that allows for zooming in to more detail. Data used in the map can be downloaded in Arc/Info export format, and map can be downloaded as GIF image. The process use a shell script, some C++ code, and Arc/Info to produce the maps. All source code (except for Arc/Info, of course) and an explanation on how to do all this is also available.
- Scientific Assessment and Strategy Team's (SAST) demo on the 1993 flood.The SAST Data Distribution System allows Internet Users the opportunity to download geographic data determined by their own specific needs and their own choices. The data are available in three different formats, Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS), PC Arc/Info, and Workstation Arc/Info. If the SDTS format is selected the user will need to have access to gunzip and tar utilities. The version of these two utilities depends on the system being used (PC vs. Workstation).
[Web GIS Sites] [Index]
- ArcView Internet Map Server With the ArcView Internet Map Server extension, you can use ArcView GIS out-of-the-box to put mapping and GIS applications on the Internet. It includes a built-in setup wizard and ready-to-use Java applet to help you publish your data quickly.
- ESRI MapObjects Internet Map Server Several examples from the GIS software firm responsible for Arc/Info and ArcView. MapObjects consists of an ActiveX Control (OCX) and a collection of over 35 programmable ActiveX automation objects which let application developers add mapping and GIS capabilities to applications. MapObjects Overview.
- Pythia is a new WWW browser with new features that incorporate GIS including vector graphics and ability to connect to MapInfo and Vision databases.
[Web GIS Sites] [Index]
[Web GIS Sites] [Index]
Commercial Tools and Software
[Web GIS Sites] [Index]
[Web GIS Sites] [Index]
- This mailing list has been formed in order to discuss the issues, opportunities, and potential problems of interactive GIS via the World Wide Web. To subscribe to DISTGIS send email to the server at majordomo@ag.arizona.edu and put in the message body the line:
subscribe DISTGIS [your email address]
Send public messages to DISTGIS@ag.arizona.edu .
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