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1. What is a Map?
Map: 321 Definitions
Map: a "spatial representation of reality"
Map: "A graphic statement that locates facts."
Some more jargon...
Mapmaking: the production of a tangible map; the aggregate of those individual
and largely technical processes of data collection, cartographic design and
construction, reproduction, normally associated with the actual production of
maps; designing, compiling, and producing maps."
Cartography: seen as broader than map making, as it involves the theoretical
and philosophical aspects of mapmaking rules.
Visualization: The interactive use of digital maps to explore and
understand data. Geographic Visualization refers to the visualization of
spatially distributed (geographic) data, and usually involves maps. Visualization
usually means more exploratory, preliminary examination of data with maps
to try and learn things about the data (and the phenomena the data represents).
Geographic Information Systems: Computer hardware and software for the
capture, storage, retrieval, analysis, and output (paper or digital display) of
spatial data. Maps play a vital role in the analysis (visualization) and display
components of GIS.
Geographic Cartography: Geographic cartographers understand the techniques
for mapmaking and the context of what they are mapping.
2. What Maps Do to the World: Cartographic Abstraction
Cartographic abstraction: transformation of unmapped data into map form and selection and organization of information to help user interpret material; identification of what is relevant given the purpose of the map
Selection: geographic space to be mapped, map scale, projection, aspect, data
variables, data gathering or sampling, client needs, familiarization with what is
to be mapped (you have to know about what you are mapping)... but mostly, what is
chosen to be mapped... and what is not mapped.
Classification: grouping and categorizing; reduction of complexity to organize
the mapped information to enhance communication
Symbolization: marks which represent data in some logical way
Design: "The planning and patterning of any act towards a desired foreseeable
end constitutes a design process" An act of synthesis: pulling together
disparate elements into something coherent
3. What is Map Design? an Art and a Science?
Truism: cartography is an art and a science
The "art of cartography" works in tandem with rules, guidelines, and the elements of "cartographic
science" which are much more tangible.
Both art and science are necessary in order to create effective maps
Cartography and Art...
People do have aesthetic reactions to maps: maps as objects of interest, contemplation, and interest beyond their immediate utility
J. S. Keates: British cartographer: aesthetic responses to maps
Cartography and Science...
Science defined: a methodological and objective process by which we come to understand physical and human phenomena
Map making: combine the principals and guidelines derived from scientific
approaches to map design with the aesthetic aspects of design and mapping
4. Ethics: Responsible Map Making | Right Map Making
Responsible Map Making
E-mail: jbkrygier@owu.edu
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