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...to Geog 222 Main Page and Course Description Lectures: Meetings Wednesday at 4pm, 207 SCSC
Instructor: Dr. John Krygier
Text and ReadingsJohn Krygier and Denis Wood Making Maps (3rd ed., 2016). I developed the Making Maps book to serve the needs of my mapping courses at OWU, and it is based on the large amount of material on the Geog 222 and Geog 353 web pages. It's a lot cheaper than most other mapping textbooks. We will read about 2/3 of the Krygier & Wood book, the rest of which is covered in Geography 353. A few other readings are downloadable PDFs and links on the course schedule. Exams and exercises are based on lecture material and assigned readings. Lectures do not slavishly follow the readings, and there is a substantial amount of material presented in the lectures that is not in the readings ... thus, it is important to attend lectures. Required readings are noted on the course schedule.
Using Less PaperI am minimizing paper use in Geography 222. Yes we can grow more trees, but I am unreasonably afeared of paper cuts. Thus you will submit exercises and take-home exams as digital files. Handouts (some readings and a few exercises) will be digital. If possible, try to avoid printing stuff for this class unless it is absolutely necessary. An informative guide for submitting digital exercises and exams is here.
Legal note pertaining to the Proper Form and Time for Turning in Exercises & ExamsAll exercises, and exams, and assorted suchnots, and miscellaneous wassnames, noted as due to me in digital form (PDF or Open Office doc or Word doc), mustforth be recieved and/or received (however you choose to spell it) by me, John Krygier of the email address jbkrygier@owu.edu, by 9:00 am of the noted date of dueness (unless otherwisely indicated). I also declare, forthwith and from this henceforth day, that you must only send complete exercises/exams and not be e-bothering me with incomplete exercises nor exercises sent out to me, on the internets, known to some (now deceased) Alaskan Republicans as "a series of tubes," in a series of parts, not coagulated within one document, yet spread about in many multiple documents. Upon receipt or reciept of such multitudinous parts within said e-mails, you shall and mustwithforth place within my possession, within the provided large martini/tip glass, of approximately 1 foot tall, provided to me, as a gift, by my second and better wife, a bill of one dollar, hencealong known as the nuisance fee of reasonable proportions.
Legal note pertaining to Academic Accommodations (from OWU)"The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protections for persons with disabilities. Among other things, the legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you have, or think you may have, a disability (e.g., mental health, attentional, learning, chronic health, sensory, or physical), please contact Disability Services in Corns 315 or call 740.368.3925 to arrange a confidential discussion regarding equitable access and reasonable accommodations. If you are registered with Disability Services and have a current letter requesting reasonable accommodations, please contact your instructor as early in the semester as possible to discuss how the accommodations will be applied in the course. For more information, consult the Disabilities Services website." AttendanceI may take attendance with a daily sign-up sheet. Attending class is important if you want a decent grade in this class. But you are adults and can make your own decisions. Please let me know if you are going to miss a class and I can let you know what you missed. If you miss something important and don't have a good excuse, I reserve the right to ignore you.
ExercisesWhilst seven exercises are listed on the exercises page, fewer may be assigned this semester. Most exercises involve use of the internets. Completed exercises must be turned in as digital files and at the appropriate time. Whining won't get you an extension, but a fabulous explanation might. Exercises are linked to the course schedule and exercises pages.
Computer Access and SkillsStudents in Geography 222 will be expected to locate and use a computer with internets access. If you can point and click on the internets, you can complete the work in this course. You may use our meeting room - the Department of Geology and Geography GIS and Computer Mapping Lab (Science Center 207) - for course exercises.
Other Rules and Regulations
Writing Option