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On "Engaged Discomfort": Getting out of your comfort zone is a useful pedogogic strategy. Discomfort (of diverse kinds) leads to physical and mental engagement which may serve to get your brain going and encourage insight, learning, and understanding. Thus walking about unknown territory paying attention to sensory and emotional imputs may be uncomfortable at times, but you will get something significant out of the experience. Keep in mind that it is OK to be a bit uncomfortable. However: use your senses and stay out of trouble (at least, stay out of too much trouble: a bit is ok).
Please review the materials on this page before you go out on your psychogeographic
expedition. In particular, the links in part 3 have many useful resources and things to
think about (which will lead to a better project)
Please work in groups: 2 or 3 persons. This means you have to contribute positively to a group effort.
1. Two expeditionary options:
OPTION 1: Outside: The MOST EXCITING and BESTEST OPTION Get in your groups...
OPTION 2: Inside & Outside (only in case of really really cold weather, unexpected monsoons, or a spike in local skunk attacks) Whilst in your groups...
4. Project Description
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