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J.B. Krygier, Catherine Reeves, David DiBiase, and Jason Cupp Published in Journal of Geography in Higher Education. 21:1, 1997. pp. 17-39.
ABSTRACT: Geography and earth science educators are simultaneously faced with increasing scrutiny of teaching, new educational standards, and a plethora of new teaching methods such as computer multimedia. While there have been calls for the use of multimedia in geography and earth science education, there are few explicit guidelines which detail how to actually begin designing, implementing, and evaluating educational multimedia in the classroom. This paper describes an approach to educational multimedia design focused on a coherent set of multimedia design standards informed by a broad array of evaluation functions. Such design and evlauation standards should be shaped by broader educational and content (geography and earth science) goals. Our approach to design and evaluation serves as a fundamental step in examining the possibilities of multimedia in the geography and earth science classroom.
KEYWORDS: geographic education, educational multimedia, multimedia design, multimedia evaluation
A preliminary version of this paper, entitled "Multimedia in Geographic Education" is available. This paper is also included in a CD-ROM project entitled "Integrating Information Technology Tools in Instruction." Downloadable versions of all the multimedia resources we created (and upon which the paper is based) are also available.
E-mail: jkrygier@geog.buffalo.edu
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